// Legal Notice

Who we are

OptaSensor GmbH

Rollnerstraβe 97
90408 Nürnberg

Telephone +49 (0)911 148 870 44

E-Mail info@optasensor.com
Web  https://www.optasensor.com

VAT No. according to § 27a UStG
DE 322 933 226

Chief Executive Officer
Antonio Gomes

Managing directors
Antonio Gomes, Stephan Voltz, Fabio Gaspar

Registered Office of the Corporation
Nürnberg, Germany

Commercial Registry
Nürnberg, HRB 36162


This website is compiled and kept up-to-date as conscientiously as possible. OptaSensor GmbH cannot, however, guarantee that the content is free of errors, accurate or complete and, therefore, assumes no liability for loss or damage of any kind incurred directly or indirectly with the information on this website. OptaSensor GmbH also declines any liability for websites of other operators that visitors of this website access through the links embedded here. Liability for such third-party content rests solely with the respective owners.


All the content of this website (text, images, graphics, sound, animations, videos and documents) are subject to copyright protection and other protection laws that are intellectual property, otherwise noticed. Without the written consent of the respective rights owner – this always means OptaSensor GmbH, unless the source is explicitly named in the caption – the content of this website may not be copied, disseminated, modified or otherwise made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes.

Trademark protection

Unless otherwise indicated, the trademarks, service marks and logos used on our sites are the intellectual property of OptaSensor GmbH, Germany.

General Terms and Conditions (GTC) for download